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Term Definition
Not Always Afloat But Safely Aground
Visite: 375
The art and science of conducting a ship safely from one point to another
Visite: 383
National Cargo Bureau
Visite: 320
Implies that cargo is presented stacked in the contour of similarly shaped cargo, it may be likened to a stack of plates. This is particularly relevant in the presentation of tankage strakes for transport
Visite: 349
Nautical Mile. One minute of latitude; approximately 6,076 feet - about 1/8 longer than the statute mile of 5,280 feet
Visite: 375
(Detention). If loading completed sooner than expected, then saved days will not be added to discharge time allowed.
Visite: 373
Notice of Readiness
Visite: 363
Net Restricted Tonnage
Visite: 408
New York Produce Exchange
Visite: 188

Clienti e servizi

IFA offre servizi in grado di coprire in modo efficace qualsiasi necessità di trasporto via mare o via terra: dal macchinario completo all' hi-tech, dall'alimentare ai chimici.


IFA opera dal 1982 nel settore delle spedizioni internazionali, perseguendo da sempre una strategia aziendale che pone al centro del servizio lo sviluppo commerciale del cliente.

IFA International Forwarding Agent SRL | Via Cristoforo Colombo 6, 20066 Melzo (Milano) | tel. +39.02.95736765 - fax +39.02.95737443 | p.iva IT04804330159
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